Moving Celoxis to another machine

The way this works is first we install Celoxis on the new machine. We verify the installation works correctly. Then we replace the database and data directory with those from the old machine.

We will assume M1 to be the old machine and M2 to be the new machine on which to install Celoxis.

Apply for a new license for M2

Read this chapter on how to apply for a license. You should start the migration process only after you have the new license file.

Backup your database and data directory on M1

  1. On M1, navigate to Top MenuAdminSite Settings and look for the database name and data directory under Server Information. See this example.
  2. On M1, Stop Celoxis.
  3. Backup your database into a file called database.backup and copy data directory to a directory data. Ensure that this directory has the two sub-directories indices and documents.

Complete and verify your Celoxis installation on M2

Install Celoxis on your new server. Verify that you are able to login and you can see the sample data on your dashboard. There is no need to configure your email server, authentication, etc. as of now. You can do that after your data is restored.

Restore the database backup and data directory on M2

  1. On M2, Navigate to Top MenuAdminSite Settings and look for the database name and data directory under Server Information. See this example for more information.
  2. Stop Celoxis.
  3. Drop the existing database.
  4. Recreate the database using the same database user that Celoxis will use to connect to the database.
  5. Restore the database from the backup file on M1. Instructions are provided later in this chapter.
  6. Delete your data directory (recorded in step 1) and copy the data directory that you have from M1in its place.
  7. Assuming your data directory on M2 is at C:\celoxis\data, run the following sql: update db_config set value='C:\celoxis\data' where name='local_storage_root'
  8. Assuming you will now access Celoxis as, run the following sql: update db_company set server_name=''
  9. Start Celoxis.
  10. Update site settings like email settings, etc. if required

Restoring your database


pg_restore -Fc -d <dbname> -O -U <username> database.backup

Microsoft SQL Server

Using Enterprise Manager, right click on the database node and choose Restore from All Tasks. Use the database.bak provided.


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