Configuring Site Settings

Navigate to Top MenuAdminSite Settings and click on Edit Settings under Actions. This will open up a form with multiple tabs. Interesting settings on each tab is described below under the corresponding tab.

Celoxis URLThis is the URL that will be used to access Celoxis.
Data Directory PathThe fully qualified path to the directory that stores uploaded files, search indices and other control files. This should ideally be on the same server for optimal performance.
Max size of file uploadThe maximum size of a file that can be uploaded.
Google Client IdIf you want to integrate with Google Drive, you will need to enter your ID here. Read this chapter on how to obtain one.
Chrome PathThe absolute path name of the Google Chrome executable. This is used for printing to PDF. Read this chapter for more information.

Please contact your system administrator for correct values. Also, read this chapter on how to troubleshoot issues with your email server.

Send emails in backgroundIf checked, users don't have to wait for the emails to be sent to complete the operation. This considerably speed things up. The cost, however, is that if the email sending fails for some reason, the user performing the operation is not notified of the failure. If your email server is unreliable, then instead of turning this option on, consider using Gmail.
HostThe host name of the SMTP server.
Default Sender Name/EmailEmails sent from Celoxis will have the sender name/email to these values.

Please contact your system administrator for correct values. Also, read this chapter on how to troubleshoot issues with your email server.

ProtocolWe strongly recommend using either IMAP or IMAP+SSL.
HostThe host name of the IMAP or POP3 server.
Plussed SymbolThe sub-addressing symbol recognized by your SMTP server. For example, sending an email to caused the email to be delivered to Celoxis can then read the foobar and perform actions based on this control information.

For Sendmail, Gmail or Postfix use +. For Qmail use -. For Microsoft Exchange do not choose plussed addressing, in which case the control information will be appended to the subject of emails to enable routing.

Plussed addressing is very effective. If your email server does not support this, then instead of not using plussed addressing, consider using Gmail.
Is Microsoft ADSWhether you are using Microsoft Active Directory Service
Authenticate clients via LDAPIf checked, client accounts are also authenticated via LDAP, else they will be authenticated based on credentials entered in Celoxis.
LDAP URLYour LDAP URL e.g. ldap://
Base DNThe node of the LDAP server from where Celoxis will search the users.
Search AttributeThe attribute in the LDAP user entry that holds the user's login name. In ADS, this is always sAMAccountName. This value must match against the login name for that user in Celoxis.
Admin DNIf Celoxis needs to authenticate with your LDAP server to search for users, then enter that user's login name for your LDAP server.
Admin PasswordThe Admin Password
Principal PatternIf Celoxis can directly authenticate the user against your LDAP server using a pattern, then enter that pattern here. {username} will be replaced with the login name. (Not applicable, if using Microsoft Active Directory.)

Read this section for more information.

We strongly recommend that you do not change these values. These values are reasonable and changing these may adversely affect performance. Optimizing these values for your installation is beyond the scope of our support services.

Max rows from databaseThe maximum number of rows to fetch from a query while running a report.