Are these common challenges hindering your project portfolio management?

Resource Capacity Constraints

Are your project plans misaligned with actual resource availability, causing team overextension and inefficiencies?

Resource Forecasting Challenges

Are you struggling to predict future resource needs accurately, leading to last-minute adjustments and potential project delays?

Data Integrity & Accessibility

Is a lack of accurate, real time project data complicating your strategic decision making process?

Resource Availability Tracking

Struggling to maintain visibility into resource availability, making it hard to reassign or allocate resources efficiently when project needs change?

Governance & Approval Delays

Are complex governance frameworks and slow approval workflows stalling your project momentum?

Resource Visibility Issues

Do you struggle to identify resource gaps, dependencies, and bottlenecks, risking project delays?

Strategic Project Delays

Are inconsistent prioritization methods delaying your most critical strategic initiatives?

Business Alignment Challenges

Are you finding it difficult to align your project portfolio with overarching business goals?

Stakeholder Collaboration

Is collaboration between internal and external stakeholders lacking, affecting project progress?

Time Zone Coordination

Find it challenging to coordinate work across different time zones, resulting in communication delays and misaligned project schedules?

Lack of a Unified Source of Truth

Are fragmented data systems preventing you from gaining clear visibility into project timelines, financials, and risks?

Ready to see Celoxis in action? Get your personalized demo now.

Celoxis: Your Solution for Efficient Project Portfolio Management

Seamless Project Planning and Tracking

From Forecasts to Actuals: Take Charge of Your Project Finances

Maximizing Project Impact with Enhanced Visibility and Reporting

Strategic Portfolio Prioritization, Planning, and Alignment

Efficient Project Intake for Capacity Driven Prioritization

Optimizing Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning

Ready to see Celoxis in action? Get your personalized demo now.

Worldwide Presence

Trusted by Global Leaders

Celoxis PPM Software has empowered trusted brands across diverse industries and spanning continents.

We are Multilingual

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Unmatched Value

Affordable access to enterprise-grade capabilities with pay-per-use pricing.

Advanced Analytics & B.I.

Aggregated Dashboards

Advanced Scheduling

Split & Recurring Tasks

Project Templates

Job Roles

Weekly Executive Reporting

Free Client Portal

Workload Tracking

Resource Conflicts

Team Utilization

Team Performance

Risk Tracking

Intake Management

Portfolio Management

Data Isolation (Workspaces)



Per month, billed annually. Plus Add-Ons.

Team Member


Per month, billed annually. Plus Add-Ons.

Enjoy essential premium features, no matter which plan you're on!

Ready to see Celoxis in action? Get your personalized demo now.

A Unique Value Proposition

The perfect balance between capabilities, ease-of-use and price.

Absolutely phenomenal! From its intuitive interface to its robust features, every aspect of Celoxis screams efficiency and effectiveness.
