
Fetching and processing large amount of data not only slows down your response times but also for other users. We have put reasonable limits on the amount of data required to generate reports. If you are an On-Premise customer, you can change these limits but we strongly recommend that you do it after much deliberation.

Report Limits

15,000 records

For any report to run, it performs database queries. If a query returns more than 15,000 rows, the report does not run and an error message is shown to the user.

To remedy this problem, you should add more filters, especially those filters that can be performed in the database query itself. The most common filters are date filters since most likely you are interested in recent data. Project state filter, task completed filter and time entry state filter are also some useful filters that you should consider in limiting data.

Duration in Time Phased reports

Time phased reports are resource intensive as they perform a lot of dynamic calculations. The Period filter selects the duration of the report and is limited as follows:

  • If zoom level is Day the period cannot exceed 3 months.
  • If zoom level is Week or Month the period cannot exceed 12 months.

Dashboard Limits

A dashboard is a collection of reports. It is equivalent to running all the reports at once. Naturally, to control performance, we have to put some additional limitations on dashboards.

A dashboard has the following limits:

  • Incomplete timesheet reports are not allowed on dashboards. You can star them for quick access.
  • A dashboard can have a maximum of 10 reports.
  • The number of shared dashboards per account depends on the number of purchases users.
    Shared dashboards = min(max(20, users × 2), 100)
    This means that every account will have a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 100 shared dashboards.