Billing and Costing

In addition to tracking hours, timesheets are also used in calculating labor costs and for billing clients.

Labor Cost

All costs associated with time entries are labor costs since they are directly associated with human labor. Whether a time entry is considered towards project cost depends on its Costable flag. By default this is set based on whether its time code is costable or not. But this can be changed by a user having the Approve Time privilege.

Cost Rates

If time entry is marked as costable, its cost rate is the cost rate of the time entry's owner. If the owner's cost rate has been specifically set for that project, it is used. Otherwise, that resource's default cost rate is used.

If time entry is not marked as costable, its cost rate is set to zero.

Setting the default cost rate

A user's default cost rate can be set from its add/edit screen or from the bulk edit user screen.

Setting a project specific cost rate

You can override the default cost rate for users per project. Click on a project link that will slide in the project screen; then click Cost Rates.

Setting cost rates for a specific time entries

Users having the Approve Time privilege can edit a time entry (or many using the bulk edit time screen) and set a cost rate.


Whether a time entry is considered for billing depends on its Billable flag. By default this turned on if its work item's Billing Type is set to Time & Material. But this can be changed by a user having the Approve Time privilege. Note that changing the billing type of a work item will only affect its future time entries.

Celoxis supports two types of billing models:

  • Time code based — This is when you bill your clients based on the activity performed, not on who performs that activity. For example, a software development may decide to charge a rate of $50 per hour for a junior Java developer; it does not matter which exact user does that work. In this case bill rates are defined per time code.
  • User based — This is when the bill rate depends on the user performing the activity. For example, in a legal firm a star lawyer may charge twice the rate for the same kind of work. In this mode, bill rates are defined per user.
Your organization can have only one model at a time and administrators can select it from Top MenuAdminTimesheetBilling.

Overriding rates for a project

Like cost rates, billing rates can also be overridden per project. Click on a project link that will slide in the project screen; then click Billing Rates.

Setting bill rates for a specific time entries

Users having the Approve Time privilege can edit a time entry (or many using the bulk edit time screen) and set a bill rate.