Creating tasks from email

Celoxis can create tasks from emails sent to it. This is especially useful when you don’t have the application open in front of you or you are on the go.

Emails have to be sent to a specific address and be in a specific format. Task is created from the from, to, cc, subject, body, attachments and priority as described below.

To (special address)

The email address to which the email should be sent can be found under Top MenuAdminProject ManagementTask Inbox. We recommend that you save it as a contact under "Celoxis Add Task” or something equivalent.


The user whose email address matches the from email address is considered to be the creator. This user must have Add Task : Granted in the project in which the task is to be created.

To and Cc

Users in Celoxis whose email address matches the email address of the email's recipients are assigned to the task with 100% allocation.


The subject should start with the name of the task followed key-value pairs of attributes encodes in square brackets. An example is shown below.

Add missing images in footer [][parent:Images]

The above will add a task named “Add missing images in footer” in the project whose code or name is under the summary task named “Images”.

Project is mandatory, rest all attributes are optional. Attributes supported in the subject are:

Project Name, code or ID of the project where the task should be created.
Start Start date of the task. You can specify a relative date like 5d which would mean 5 days from today, or enter a specific date in the same format you use in the Celoxis application.
Finish Finish date of the new task. You can specify a relative date like 5d which would mean 5 days from today, or enter a specific date in the same format you use in the Celoxis application.
Parent Name of the parent task under which the task should be created. The task will be created last in the hierarchy. If there are multiple tasks with the same name then, the task will be created under the first parent task found.
Duration Can be specified in d (days), h(hours), m(minutes) or mo(months). E.g. 3d.
% Comp % complete of the task


The body of the email becomes the description of the task.


All file attachments are attached to the task.


The value of the X-Priority header is checked to determine the task's priority. If it is 1 then the task's priority is consider High, if it is 5 then the priority is set to Low, otherwise it is set to Normal.