RAG Indicators

RAG stands for Red, Amber and Green. RAG indicators visually indicate the health of projects or tasks with respect to schedule and cost.

Celoxis automatically calculates the RAG indicators for projects and tasks regularly if the project's is in the Execution stage. Otherwise, the RAG indicator is shown as Not Active.

Schedule RAG Indicators

For every project and task, Celoxis automatically calculates its projected finish date based on the current rate of progress once a day. It is the date on which the project or task is likely to finish based on the current rate of progress.

For example, say a task was scheduled to complete in 4 days and after 2 days it is only 25% complete. Celoxis will calculate the projected finish date of the task to be the 8th day instead of the original 4th.

For a project or summary task, its projected finish date is the maximum of the projected finish dates of its leaf-level tasks.

RAG indicators are assigned as follows:

Off TrackThe planned finish date is in the past.
At RiskThe projected finish date is after the planned finish date.
On TrackThe projected finish date is on or before the planned finish date.
CompletedTask is 100% complete
BlockedTask is scheduled to start but not all its predecessors are complete.
FutureTask is scheduled to start in the future.
Not ActiveProject's state is not in the Execution stage

Cost RAG Indicators

For every project and task, Celoxis automatically calculates its projected cost based on the current rate of spend once a day. It is the cost the project or task is likely to incur based on the current rate of spend.

For example, say a task's budget is $1000 and it is 25% complete with an actual cost of $200. Celoxis will calculate the projected cost of the task to be the $800 instead of $1000.

For a project or summary task, its projected cost is the sum of the projected cost of all its leaf-level tasks.

RAG indicators are assigned as follows:

Off TrackActual cost has exceeded the budget.
At RiskProjected cost exceeds the budget.
On TrackProjected cost does not exceed the budget.
Not ActiveProject's state is not in the Execution stage.
If budget is unspecified, the planned cost will be used instead while calculating the RAG status.

Calculation of Projections

Calculating projections is a resource intensive operation hence it is infeasible for the system to maintain RAG indicators in real-time.

Celoxis calculates projections once a day on a best effort basis. However, you can ask the system to recalculate projections for a project anytime using Recalculate Projections. You can even recalculate projections for multiple projects using Project Bulk ActionsRecalculate Projections from your project list view.